Introducing PhinnVolt Enterprises:For those of you who don't know us, we are PhinnVolt Enterprises : Richard "Phinn" Saulnier and Gia Volterra de Saulnier (aka Mother Phinn).It all started out in 2008 with Winslowshire Festival for the Animals, in Norton, MA where we were asked to put on a Renaissance Festival to benefit Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary that won Best New Renaissance Festival 4 years running. In fact, on the final year of that event, Winslowshire won Top Ten Classic Renaissance Faires and Festivals across the country.In 2010, we were asked to do another Renaissance Festival to help benefit the amazingly beautiful Hammond Castle. We named it Abbadia Mare Renaissance Festival and within three years, we've been able to bring a good attendance and great results.In 2012, we were asked to consult and help the transition of The New Hampshire Renaissance Faire which won Best of New Hampshire of that year.We hope that you and your families come to Silver Kingdom Renaissance Festival this year and be sure to spread the word!Thanks from the Phinns.